Rocking my world

By now, I thought I'd have told you more about the new album I have coming out this spring. But life went topsy-turvy in December and my world hasn't quite stopped spinning yet. 


It can be difficult knowing how public to be about personal things. I've lived my life pretty much "out loud" for years, first as a blogger, then as an avid user of social media. But I admit, this time I wasn't sure how public I wanted to be.


You see, my husband and I decided at the end of December that we should separate. Michael and I started dating 19 years ago and have been married for 13 years. We have a beautiful family together and we built a good life... but we realized that we make better friends than spouses. It has been a difficult decision, and it continues to be challenging as we figure out this new relationship we need to build. 


Is it better to end a marriage quietly, or to put it out there in the world? I have been struggling with this. But in my experience as a blogger, I have learned that it usually in the sharing of the most difficult experiences in life that the most beautiful, connecting moments come about. So I am sharing this with you now.


I am still determined to release Pairings in April. I'm going to need your help to (now more than ever!) to get it done. I don't know exactly what is in store for me, but I know my husband and I will continue to be good friends, and I know there are lots of good things on the horizon. My world may have gone topsy-turvy, but it's as beautiful as ever... perhaps now with even more hope and possibility. As always, I am grateful to have you along on this wild ride we call life.


Ryan Woods:

23 Jan 2016 08:21:09

hello Fawn I hope everything is well. I also hope I’m not overstepping my boundaries by giving you this. However I would urge you to take a look.


23 Jan 2016 08:22:02

What kind of help do you need Fawn?
I appreciate your candour. Never an easy scenario but I agree it’s better to just ‘put it out there’. Give me a wish list of some sort and I’ll see what I can do.

Stephen Clarke:

23 Jan 2016 08:28:37

Moving words Fawn, that leave me both wanting to reply and not knowing what to share or say, which is the dilemma you pose. I’ve been there with marriage, we raised three now young women of whom I’m very proud. The children are the vulnerable important ones. Your music moves, helps and inspires me. I look forward to hearing and seeing you again soon.

Ian Logan:

23 Jan 2016 08:36:30

The decision about what to post on social media is entirely personal. There is no definitive right or wrong answer to the question of what to share. I defy anyone to tell you that you are wrong. It’s your life. We have never met, so I all I know of you is from your blogs. What I can say is that my impression is an absolutely positive one. You seem like a very well-rounded, nice lady. Your love of your family&friends and your music is evident. That’s a good thing. Love and compassion cannot be underrated in my book. As far as your separation goes, I am not a personal friend and would not dream of commenting except to say that I am sorry that you are going through a difficult time. On the subject of your daughter and her medical issues are concerned, I find that your blogs have been inspirational. I doubt that I would have had the knowledge or discipline to carry out the program that you did. It seems like an overused word, but i find the blogs about your daughters to be heartwarming.They are beautiful. Congratulations. I am a family man and I appreciate when someone expresses love for their children. I hope that you keep on with your blogs. That’s my vote. Sincerely, Ian Logan

Valerie Alia:

23 Jan 2016 08:49:39

Sending love and support.

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